C. Erdost Akin PhD Candidate in International Relations at Central European University. He specializes on body politics and political violence.
Nurlan Aliyev Ph.D. in philosophy and security studies. Lecturer in the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw.
Maxim Alyukov Postdoctoral fellow at King’s Russia Institute at King’s College London, a researcher with an independent research group Public Sociology Laboratory, and an affiliate of the International…
Stanislav Andreychuk Council member, Movement for Defence of Voters’ Rights “Golos”
Gregory Asmolov Lecturer in Digital Entrepreneurship at the Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London
Vasily Astrov Senior economist at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW)
Karena Avedissian Senior Analyst, Regional Center for Democracy and Security.
Alexandra Baeva Analyst
Anton Barbashin Editorial director at Riddle, political analyst
Vsevolod Bederson Independent researcher
Sergey Belanovsky Sociologist, Ph.D. in economics
Gleb Bogush Research fellow at the Institute for International Peace and Security Law, University of Cologne; visiting professor at the University of Luxembourg
Ekaterina Borovikova Independent researcher
Fabian Burkhardt Editorial Board, Riddle. 2015−2018 — Editorial Board, Intersection. Research Associate at the Leibniz Institute for East European Studies (IOS), Regensburg. Editor, Russland-Analysen.
Irina Busygina Political scientist
Denis Cenusa Political analyst, associated expert at Eastern Europe Studies Centre (Lithuania) and Expert-Grup (Moldova)
Harold Chambers Analyst on conflict, nationalism, and security in the North Caucasus
Roman Chernikov Political scientist
Aleksei Chigadaev Sinologist, MA in the Chinese Studies program, University of Leipzig
Georgy Chizhov Head of Research Programs at the Reform Assistance Center (Kyiv), Coordinator of the European Dialogue Expert Group in Ukraine
John Chrobak Research Program Assistant, Illiberalism Studies Program, Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington…
Stephen Crowley Professor, Department of Politics, Oberlin College
Milan Czerny Post-graduate student in Russian & East European studies at the University of Oxford, St Antony’s College
Sergey Davidis Human rights activist, Head of Political Prisoners Support Program at the Memorial Human Rights Center
Ivan Davydov Publicist, chief editor of the ‘New ethics’ project
Sergey Davydov Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Partner at Social Business Group.
Sławomir Dębski Director of Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM). Director of the Centre for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding, 2011 — 2016.
Philipp Dietrich Center for Order and Governance in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia, German Council on Foreign Relations
Aleksandar Djokic Political analyst. Focus on Eastern and Southeastern Europe.
Jan Matti Dollbaum Postdoctoral researcher at Bremen University. He studies protest, social movements, and their connections to politics in Russia and Eastern Europe
Maria Domańska Senior fellow at the Warsaw-based Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW)
Dmitry Dubrovsky Associate research fellow of the Centre for Independent Social Research. Until July 2017 — associate research scholar at Harriman Institute, Columbia University.
Jacqueline Dufalla PhD candidate at the Department of International Relations, Central European University
Allyson Edwards Lecturer in Global history and politics at Bath Spa university, specialising in Russian militarism, use of memory, and patriotic education systems
Maria Engström Professor of Russian Language, Department of Modern Languages at Uppsala University
Nikolay Epplée Cultural historian, philologist, journalist. His publications have appeared at Vedomosti, InLiberty, Arzamas, Republic, Colta.
Yakov Feygin Author of Building a Ruin: The Cold War Politics of Economic Reform (Harvard University Press, 2024). He currently works as a consultant in public finance and…
Mikhail Filippov Professor, Department of Political Science, State University of New York
Paul Fisher International arbitration lawyer and research student at University College London’s School of Slavonic and East European Studies
Ivan Fomin Ph.D. in Political Science, is the head of «Ideas for Russia» initiative. He also teaches at the Boris Nemtsov Program in Russian Studies at Charles University in Prague.
Natalia Forrat Lecturer, Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies and the Department of Political Science, University of Michigan
Timothy Frye Marshall D. Shulman Professor, Columbia University; Co-director, International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development, Higher School of Economics
V. G. Political Scientist, PhD
Areg Galstyan PhD, regular contributor to The National Interest, Forbes Russia, The Hill and The American Thinker. Head of American Studies Scientific-Analytical…
Vasily Gatov Visiting Fellow, Annenberg School of Communications & Journalism, University of Southern California
Alexey Gilyov Associate Professor, Department of Applied Political Science, Higher School of Economics (St. Petersburg)
Paul Goode Associate Professor, McMillan Chair in Russian Studies, Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, Carleton University
Dmitry Gorsky Sociologist
Alexander Graef Researcher in the Project «Arms Control and Emerging Technologies» at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH)
Ala Graff PhD Candidate, Russian history, University of Maryland, College Park
Denis Grekov Political scientist at Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Igor Gretskiy Political scientist, associate professor of the Faculty of International Relations of Saint Petersburg State University
Gabriella Gricius Senior Research Associate at the Public International Law & Policy Group’s Netherland’s Office
Tigran Grigoryan Director of the Armenia-based Regional Center for Democracy and Security think tank
Olga Gulina Director and founder of the Institute on Migration Policy. Member of the EU-Russia Civil Society Advocacy Group.
Naman Karl-Thomas Habtom Doctoral student at University of Cambridge, visiting researcher at Université libre de Bruxelles
Neil Hauer Analyst working on North and South Caucasus. Formerly senior intelligence analyst at The SecDev Group in Ottawa, Canada.
Jeff Hawn Doctoral candidate at London School of Economics Department of International History
Maximilian Hess Head of Political Risk at Hawthorn Advisors and a fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute
Sebastian Hoppe Research fellow at the Institute for East European Studies’ Department of Politics at Freie Universität Berlin
Brendan Humphreys Leads a project on population expulsion at Aleksanteri Institute, Helsinki
Anton Imennov Attorney, sanctions law expert and a Managing Partner of the Moscow Office of Pen & Paper
Vladislav Inozemtsev Co-founder and Advisory Council Member, Center for Analysis and Strategies in Europe
Olga Irisova Editor-in-Chief at Riddle, political analyst. Galina Starovoitova Fellow at Kennan Institute (2019). German chancellor fellow at Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2021−2022)
Petr Kamensky Political scientist
David Kankiya Political scientist, an expert of the Movement for Defence of Voters’ Rights «Golos»
Yulia Khalikova PhD candidate, Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences, focusing on judicial politics and law enforcement in Russia
Vladimir (Ze’ev) Khanin Professor of Political Studies and the Head of the Post-Soviet Conflicts Research Program at the BESA Center for Strategic Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Ekaterina Klimenko Candidate of Sciences in Cultural Studies (2010), PhD in Sociology from the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2024). Her research…
Janis Kluge Senior Associate at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) in Berlin
Ivan U. Klyszcz Research fellow at the International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS) in Tallinn, Estonia
Michael Kofman Director of the Russia Studies Program at the CNA Corporation and a Senior Adjunct Fellow, CNAS
Daria Korolenko Data expert at OVD-Info
Karina Korostelina Professor and director of the Peace Lab on Reconciling Conflict and Intergroup Divisions at the Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution at George…
Nikolay Kozhanov Research Associate Professor at the Gulf Studies Center (GSC) of Qatar University. Non-Resident Scholar at the Economics and Energy Program of the Middle East…
Julia Krivonosova Junior Research Fellow at Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Kirill Krivosheev Foreign policy correspondence with Kommersant newspaper
Natasha Kuhrt Lecturer in International Peace & Security, Dept of War Studies, King’s College London
Volodymyr Kulikov Visiting Assistant Professor at The University of Texas at Austin
Maria Kunilovskaya PhD in contrastive linguistics, researcher with the Research Group in Computational Linguistics, University of Wolverhampton (UK)
Ivan Kurilla Professor of History and International Relations, European University at St. Petersburg
Tatyana Lanshina Independent expert in the field of energy
Marlene Laruelle Associate Director and research professor at the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES) at The George Washington University
Ellen Leafstedt MPhil candidate in Russian & East European studies at St Antony’s College, Oxford
Adam Charles Lenton PhD Candidate in political science at the George Washington University, specializing in ethnic politics and regional development in Russia
Yuri Lobunov Journalist. Editor-in-chief of the independent news agency “Gorod32”
Olga Logunova Research Associate at King’s Russia Institute, King’s College London. Specializes in sociology and media studies with a focus on social media communication, digital culture…
Joe Luc Barnes Journalist. MA, Russian and East European Politics from the University of Oxford. His book, «Soviet Supernova: Travels in the Former USSR,» comes…
Pavel Luzin Specialist in international relations, expert on the Russian Armed Forces. Political scientist
Arbakhan K. Magomedov Visiting Professor, Kansai University
Jack Margolin An independent expert on PMCs. Author of an upcoming book on Wagner
Dmitry Markin Political scientist
Ilya Matveev Political scientist, visiting researcher at the University of California at Berkeley
Lauren McCarthy Professor of Legal Studies and Political Science at University of Massachusetts Amherst
Nicholas McCarty Graduate student at Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Foreign Service studying the conventional Russian military.
Jade McGlynn Research Fellow, The Department of War Studies at King’s College London
Stefan Meister Head of International Order and Democracy Program at the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)
Asya Metodieva PhD Candidate at Central European University, Budapest. Visiting PhD Candidate at the University of Oxford in 2019.
Ana Mikadze MA in Data Analytics in Public Policy, Maxwell School at Syracuse University. Senior Program Associate at the International Republican Institute’s Mission to Georgia.
Ruslan Moldovanov Master of European Studies, Jagiellonian University. Intern at the Center for Global Freedom and Prosperity at the Cato Institute.
Ekaterina Moroko Journalist, member of Austausch e.V. and civil society platforms CivilM+ projects
Alexander Morozov Political scientist and research fellow at the Russian Studies Center Boris Nemtsov at Charles University
Jem Morrow Political scientist
Konrad Muzyka Independent Defence Analyst | Director, Rochan Consulting
Mikhail Nemtsev Philosopher, historian, and writer. Ph.D. in Philosophy, MA in Gender and Women studies
Platon Nikiforov Political analyst specializing in the Middle East
Anastasia Nikolskaya Psychologist, Ph.D. in psychology. Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, Kosygin State University of Russia
Ben Noble Associate Professor of Russian Politics, University College London; and Associate Fellow, Chatham House
Theo Normanton Moscow Correspondent for bne IntelliNews
Dmitry Oparin Senior Lecturer in the History Faculty, Department of Ethnology, Moscow State University; Research Fellow, Institute of Social Policy, HSE
Kevork Oskanian Lecturer in the International Relations of Eurasia, University of Exeter
Judith Pallot Head of the GULAGECHOES project, European Research Council, University of Helsinki
Vakhtang Partsvania Economist, Professor of Management at Caucasus University
Andrey Pertsev Journalist, Meduza Special Correspondent
Nicholas Pierce Master’s student at The University of Texas at Austin’s Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies
Lincoln Pigman Research Fellow at The Foreign Policy Centre (UK), postgraduate student at the University of Oxford
Ksenia Poluektova-Krimer Jewish studies and Holocaust historian and translator. She is currently an Andrei Sakharov visiting research fellow at Center for Contemporary History (ZZF-Potsdam)
Elizaveta Popkova MA in Political Science, European University at St. Petersburg
Ivan Preobrazhensky Political analyst. «Moscow political club» coordinator, european observer for the independent news agency «Rosbalt» and Deutsche Welle columnist.
Denis Primakov Compliance Specialist, Associate Professor of Russian Foreign Trade Academy
Evgeny Pudovkin Journalist and a staff writer at RBC
Sergey Radchenko Director of Research, School of Law & Politics, Cardiff University
Mimi Reitz Freelance writer specialising in Eurasia
Bradley Reynolds Research Fellow, The Baltic Sea Region and the Post-Cold War Hysteresis, BALTRANS
Michael Richter Researcher, Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen in the context of the EU-funded ITN «Markets».
Mykhailo Romanov Kharkiv University and Aleksanteri Institute, Helsinki
Ella Rossman Junior researcher at the University of Tyumen and the editor of Russian online-magazine about education “Mel”
Lilia S Political scientist
Maxim S Independent researcher
N S Political Scientist
Kirill S. Political Scientist
Evan Samsky Dual Master’s student at the LBJ School of Public Affairs and the Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies
Felix Sandalov Editor-in-chief of Individuum publishing house. German chancellor fellow at Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2021−2023)
Andrey Semenov Senior Researcher, Center for Comparative History and Politics
Natia Seskuria Associate Fellow at RUSI
Ilya Shablinsky Professor at the Higher School of Economics (2004−2022), member of the Russian Helsinki Group
Maria Shagina Visiting senior fellow, Finnish Institute of International Affairs
Gulnaz Sharafutdinova Professor, Russia Institute, King’s College London
Denis Shedov Lawyer and analyst
Anton Shekhovtsov External Lecturer in Political Science, University of Vienna and General Editor of the ‘Explorations of the Far Right’, ibidem-Verlag
James Sherr Senior Fellow of the Estonian Foreign Policy Institute and Associate Fellow of the Russia and Eurasia Programme of Chatham House
Mykhaylo Simanovskyy Dual Master’s student at the University of Texas, a Graduate Researcher at the Global Disinformation Lab (GDIL), and a Brumley Fellow at the Strauss Center for…
Maria Simeonova Head of Sofia office at the European Council on Foreign Relations
Natalia Smirnova Analyst
Ksenia Smolyakova Political Scientist
Nikita Sokolov Historian. Deputy Executive Director of The Yeltsin Foundation on scientific work. Chairman of the board of the Free Historical Society.
Alesya Sokolova Senior researcher, the head of propaganda studies, expert on social media data at Сedar and data journalist at Novaya Gazeta Europe
Tatiana Stanovaya Founder / CEO at R.Politik. Former chief of the Centre for Political Technologies analysis department
Maxim Starchak Fellow of the Center for International and Defence Policy, Queen’s University (Canada), expert on Russian nuclear policy and nuclear industry
Dan Storyev Journalist. Managing Reporter at OVD-Info
Dmitri Stratievski Political scientist and historian (FU Berlin), and director of the Berlin Center for East European Studies (Osteuropa-Zentrum Berlin e.V.).
Sergey Sukhankin Lecturer in the University of Alberta, MacEwan University and Concordia University of Edmonton
Isabella Tabarovsky Researcher, manager for regional engagement at the Kennan Institute.
Brian Taylor Professor of Political Science, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University
Maxim Tkachev Sociologist
Ivan Tkachev Economics Editor at RBC
Gerard Toal Political geographer and professor in the School of Public and International Affairs at Virginia Tech’s campus in Arlington, Virginia
Artem Torchinsky Financial analyst. Editorial Board member, Riddle
Andras Toth-Czifra Political analyst, author of the analytical blog «No Yardstick»
Nick Trickett Сommodities analyst
Evgeny Troitskiy Professor, Tomsk State University
Benjamin Tromly Professor of History, University of Puget Sound
Maxim Trudolyubov Editor at Inliberty, editor-in-chief at the Russiafile. Contributing opinion writer, The International New York Times. Editorial Board member, Riddle.
Yuri Tsarik Head of Russian Studies and Co-Founder of Center for Strategic and Foreign Policy Studies (Belarus).
Mikhail Turchenko Visiting Scholar at Indiana University, Ostrom Workshop
Andreas Umland Senior research fellow at the Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation, editor-in-chief of ‘Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society’, ibidem Press, Stuttgart
Alexey Uvarov Visiting researcher at the University of Bonn, Department of Eastern European History.
John Vandevert Ph.D. candidate in musicology at Uppsala University where he studies Russia 1990s rap and the process of post-Soviet identity creation
Alexandr Vileikis Head of cultural and educational projects and programmes at the Nekrasov Central Science Library in Moscow, producer of VCIOM book publications
Denis Volkov Sociologist, Director at Levada Center.
Julian Waller Research Analyst, Center for Naval Analyses and Professorial Lecturer in Political Science, George Washington University
Eric Woods Independent researcher and consultant focused on security issues
Eric Woods Research Analyst focused on Russia, sanctions, and global weapons proliferation
Ilya Yablokov Lecturer in Russian culture at the University of Leeds, expert in Russian media, news making and conspiracy theories.
Mark Youngman Founder and head of the open-source intelligence and research agency Threatologist.
Andrey Zakharov Editor of “NZ: Political and Cultural Debates” magazine, comparative federalism expert.
Margarita Zavadskaya Senior Research Fellow at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs
Andrei Zavadski Research Associate at the Institute of Art and Material Culture, TU Dortmund University, Germany, and a co-founding editor of The February Journal.
Olga Zeveleva Research Fellow, GULAGECHOES, European Research Council, University of Helsinki
Sergey Zhavoronkov Economist, Member of the Board of the Foundation «Liberal Mission»