Iran, Russia and the War in the Middle East
Ze’ev (Vladimir) Khanin explores how Moscow is indulging Iran’s ambitions

Russian-Israeli relations in 2023
Vladimir (Ze'ev) Hanin sums up the year in Russian-Israeli relations

Russia and Israel: The End of «Special Relations»?
Vladimir (Ze'ev) Khanin describes the transformation of Russian-Israeli relations

Gaza after Hamas
Vladimir (Ze'ev) Hanin explores possible scenarios in the Middle East after the defeat of Hamas

The War and Ukrainian-Israeli Public Diplomacy
Vladimir (Ze'ev) Hanin on the meaning and prospects of the diplomatic conflict between Israel and Ukraine

«War Aliyah» of Russian-speaking Jews to Israel: Past Experience and New Surprises
Vladimir (Ze'ev) Khanin on Israel’s reception of the latest wave of emigration from Russia

Unclosed Triangles of Armed Diplomacy in the Post-Soviet Space
Vladimir (Ze'ev) Khanin explores the intertwined relations between Russia and Iran across the post-Soviet space