Jem Morrow observes rising inequalities and price hikes emerging across Russia in the wake of the full-scale Ukraine invasion

Jem Morrow anticipates that any larger-scale mobilization will provoke more avoidance and evasion

Jem Morrow weighs up the strength and coordination of those resisting Putin’s war in Ukraine from within Russia

Jem Morrow on the prospects for small business and entrepreneurship in Russia

Jem Morrow wonders whether Russia's rising tax take is a sign of a state getting more effective, or if it is simply more of a federal fiscal cul de sac

At a time of budget cuts in Russia, Jem Morrow questions whether the government can extract much more tax revenue from its citizens without spurring resentment or resistance

Thinking in broad, generational terms about Russia’s young people will only lead to conflated and patronising conclusions.