Foreign policy
Russia - EU

Putin after Mongolia

Anton Barbashin on how Russia's symbolic victories on the international stage conceal growing uncertainties in its cooperation with key partners

Riddle News Week
Chasing the Records
Andrey Pertsev sums up the week (September 9−13)
Andrey Pertsev sums up the week (September 9−13)
Elections without candidates

Ksenia Smolyakova explains why Russia's current elections are so low key

Russia’s counterterrorism strategy is backfiring

Harold Chambers explains how the Russian security services' heavy handed tactics have compounded terrorist threats across the country

Either Peace or Transit

Roman Chernikov discusses the disputes over the Zangezur Corridor

Russian Opposition in the Eyes of Russians in Russia and Abroad: The Case of Anti-Corruption Foundation

Margarita Zavadskaya and Mikhail Turchenko explain how Russians view the ACF’s activities and key figures

Statism Based on Love or Calculation

Ivan Fomin explores the dual configuration of Putin's ideology

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