Foreign policy
Russia - EU
Russia - USA

Proclamations versus Practice

Alexey Uvarov describes the precedents of state asset confiscation and the difficulties of deciding the fate of Russian money

Riddle News Week
Space Programs on the Backburner
Andrey Pertsev sums up the week (February 3−7)
Andrey Pertsev sums up the week (February 3−7)
The Russian Opposition in the Eyes of Russians in Russia and Abroad: Mikhail Khodorkovsky

Margarita Zavadskaya and Mikhail Turchenko examine Khodorkovsky's role in the Russian opposition

What future for Chechen and North Caucasian fighters in Syria?

Neil Hauer assesses whether Syria’s victorious North Caucasus rebel fighters will settle in Syria, redeploy to Ukraine, or try to bring a jihadist insurgency back into Russia

Russian Rocket Theater

Eric Woods outlines how Russia’s internationally isolated scientists are struggling to live up to Putin’s experimental weapons boasts

Sanctions and the Eurasian Economic Union

Vladislav Inozemtsev examines the role of the EAEU in helping Russia to evade the sanctions

Iran-Russia partnership: Friends forever?

Nurlan Aliyev analyses the extent of Moscow and Tehran’s ‘comprehensive strategic partnership agreement'

Top reads
  • Andrey Pertsev

    Journalist, Meduza Special Correspondent

  • Alexey Uvarov

    Visiting researcher at the University of Bonn, Department of Eastern European History. Holder of the Scholars at Risk scholarship from the Gerda Henkel Foundation.

  • Margarita Zavadskaya

    Senior Research Fellow at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs

  • Mikhail Turchenko

    Visiting Scholar at Indiana University, Ostrom Workshop
