Ivan Preobrazhensky investigates why the Czech Republic has suddenly cracked down on Russia’s diplomatic presence

Ivan Preobrazhensky comments on the fallout from the latest outbreak of war between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Ivan Preobrazhensky looks at how the international community will have a tough time thrashing out a lasting peace settlement between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Ivan Preobrazhensky investigates whether Russia has real obligations to provide assistance to Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia

Ivan Preobrazhensky on the constitutional transition

Ivan Preobrazhensky on the "resignation" of Vladislav Surkov and what that means for east Ukraine

Ivan Preobrazhensky about what the Kremlin can expect from the new European Commission

Ivan Preobrazhensky outlines the Czech Republic’s new foreign policy priorities

As the newly formed Orthodox Church of Ukraine moves away from Moscow's influence, it may in fact spark further Russian meddling among Ukraine's clergy and parishioners

Cooperation with Russia is shaking the constitutional system of the Czech Republic

A mysterious kidnapping in the Czech Republic and a Russian spy scandal in Austria are posing awkward questions for Russia-friendly populist governments in both countries

The Kremlin's assertive foreign policy has pushed the Russian Orthodox Church into international isolation. Was this intentional?

The Russian Orthodox Church, in spite of its pacifist scriptures, does not oppose war. On the contrary, the ROC has fast become a fountainhead of Russian militarism

The Duma is debating whether to threaten the rights of foreign residence permit holders or those with dual citizenship

Russia’s authorities are monitoring the events in Armenia closely, and with good reason

Is there any potential for an anti-war movement in Russia?