Technology against electoral fraud: A focus on transparency
Julia Krivonosova on whether electoral technologies can help combat fraud

Can Russia really go to the polls in a pandemic?
Julia Krivonosova considers what must be done to hold an election during a public health emergency

E-voting in Moscow: A Gratuitous Gimmick
Yulia Krivonosova on the problems with e-voting in Russia

How Trustworthy is Russia’s New Optical Scan Voting System?
Yulia Krivonosova on whether more sophisticated voting technologies can solve the problem of vote rigging

September Elections in Russia: Who Won?
Russia’s communists have secured a strong support base after elections marked by low turnout and dwindling support for United Russia. But what does this all mean for national politics?

The Dizzying Whimsy of Russia’s Election Laws
Russia’s Federal State Duma is addicted to amending its election laws, a cynical way of wrong footing opposition forces and maintaining control